When it comes to hosting a WordPress website, there are a plethora of options out there. From basic shared hosting to dedicated servers, the choices can be overwhelming. But if you're looking for a premium managed WordPress hosting provider, look no further than Kinsta.

Initially introduced to us by a client, we were skeptical about what Kinsta was advertising compared to its actual capabilities. But after giving it a try, we can confidently say that Kinsta is the best WordPress hosting currently on the market.

One of the standout features of Kinsta is its speed. The company deploys code to Google Cloud infrastructure, with data centers located all around the world. For clients based in Tasmania and Victoria, code is deployed to the Melbourne data center. The result is a lightning-fast website that loads quickly for visitors, leading to better user experience and improved SEO rankings.

But Kinsta isn't just fast - it also has some killer development features. The company's development tools include staging environments, automatic backups, and easy integration with popular tools like Git, SSH, and WP-CLI. Kinsta also offers a powerful analytics dashboard, giving website owners insight into their site's performance and visitor behavior.

Of course, with all these features comes a premium price tag. Kinsta isn't the cheapest option out there, but for website owners who value speed, reliability, and top-notch support, it's well worth the investment.

In summary, if you're looking for the best managed WordPress hosting on the market, Kinsta is the way to go. With lightning-fast speeds, powerful development tools, and top-notch support, it's the perfect choice for businesses and individuals who want to ensure their website is always performing at its best.